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Zero Waste: Making Red Chili Powder

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Choosing better path -To Save Planet

Recently I had an interesting discussion about my favorite topic #globalwarming #climatechange with a good friend on Facebook. Finally, I learned something out of that discussion. He was making a point that "yes there is #globalwarming and #climatechange which is caused by humans. But that problem is exaggerated by some business people as there is a lot of money to be made within that industry". Yes, there is money to be made for sure, not small amounts but big money to be made. Matter of the fact that in every industry, businesses are there to make money. But organizations and companies can make money in different ways. Let's check out what options we have as an individual or organization?  1st way: I say this is a wrong way, in which people will not have empathy or gilt of how they make money. In the process of making money, they might destroy others life and nature around. Consuming all natural resources which are limited in availability. Few examples: extens

Babysteps to Zero waste home

Dear Planeteers,  I am very proud that whatever I learned at my childhood from grandparents is helping me to contribute to the better environment. I learned how to grow food at home from my grandparents, also reuse and make my choices careful about purchases.  Today I am going to share some of the tips which I used to reduce my impact ton environment. Buying locally made bar SOAP (for bath), this will not have any plastic or paper cover to it, and also made with natural ingredients. Using Coconut Oil for hair and body as conditioner/moisturizer, this step can help reduce your plastic waste and also having less amount of clutter around you. There are other options as well, in my childhood my grandparent used butter as a moisturizer for me for few years. Using metallic RAZOR in which will be changing the blades (which don't have any plastic) and used blades can be recycled.  Growing simple food items at home, such as Tomato, Cholli, Basil, Mint, CurryLeaf, Egg

Zero Waste: Smoothie for Breakfast

Dear Planeteers,  It's been long time that i shared zero waste tips, from today i am going get you at least one good tips, which i am using to reduce the waste at home. Today i am going to share a tip how i am reducing waste while preparing breakfast.  Got Apple, Grape, Orange (Tangerines), Carrot, Walnuts, Banana from wholefood, along with Almond Milk. Reason I go there for shopping is it does not force us to shop more than the quantity what we need and also management has good responsibility about environment (they promote local products). Today I am using these individual items to make smoothie for breakfast. I purchased one week supply for my breakfast smoothie, but in this article I am going to show you how much I am using for today breakfast. (Following picture shows you the quantity I am using). Ingredients: 1 Cup of Almond Milk 1 Banana 1 Apple, 2 Oranges 1 Carrot 1 Small Bowel of Grapes. 4 Oz of Walnuts. All the fruit Peele is can be compos

Reduce food waste - help planet

Dear Readers, Most of you know that going green is my favorite topic, In the past, I published a couple of articles on that. Today primary goal is to share some tips to reduce the food waste and help planet and community for a better environment. These tips I got it from a book which I am reading, but these suggestions are from Environment Protection Agency (EPA) as well Shop your refrigerator first! Cook or eat what you already have at home before buying more. Plan your menu before you go shopping and buy only those things on your food menu. Buy what you realistically need and will use. Buying in bulk only saves money if you can use the food before it spoils. If safe and healthy, use the edible parts of food that you usually do not eat. For example, stale bread can be used to make croutons, and beet tops can be as a delicious side dish. Freeze, preserve, or can surplus fruits and vegetables -- especially abundant seasonal produce. At restaurants, order what you can finish b

6th Step to ZeroWaste - Go Digital Wallet

Dear Planeteers,   Thank you so much for your continuous interest on this website, where you get information on contributing to a better planet. At the end of the day, it's choices we make for adopting a better lifestyle.   Today I am going to share my experiences about the changes I made to make a positive impact on the environment towards my goal of going zero waste. From the title you might guessed it Right, A digital wallet can reduce a lot of plastic waste. Also, help us maintain our finances better.  Let me start this article by sharing my experience with my recent Bank visit. When I was at the bank, they were quite surprised to know I do not have a checkbook or an ATM card for my account. Their first question was, How I manage to use my account? My answer was simple and straight, I use A Digital Wallet for money transfers, for paying at the stores, and I pay bills online. I explained them that I don't use plastic cards and checkbooks to reduce plastic and

Top 5 ways to reduce waste!

We all know that with our present lifestyle we are destroying nature(life) and climate on the planet, There are some basic changes that we can implement in our daily life that can reduce our footprint in the destruction of the environment. Today I am going to share 5 top most ways you can reduce your footprint of destroying the environment.  1) Stop using plastic: One of the most nondecomposable components in our waste/trash is plastic. Not many of countries around the world still don't have a proper waste management system, due to which plastic is going to end up as landfill or in water streams. It’s always better to recycle plastic. I would say if we can stop using plastic and refuse to accept more plastic then it's a great choice. Check in this article Say No To Plastic , how many different areas of our life we can avoid plastic  2) Go paperless: Our mailboxes are always mostly filled with a lot of paper mails, there is nothing wrong but we tend to put them in the