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Showing posts from April, 2017

One step at time - New Series

Dear Planeteers,  Today I am planning to start new series of article which will help you to start your work towards a better environment and show your respect towards this planet.  I know there is lot of information you read online to go and adopt the environmentally friendly lifestyle, but sometimes with this ocean of information, you might be overwhelmed and think that is it possible to do all these? Some of you might have tried few and gave up.  In this One Step at a time series, I am going to share how you can start with simple steps and make a huge difference on the environment. What I am going to share in this series will help you adopt without much efforts by minor changes in your lifestyle you can achieve great results.  There are different things you can start doing it, but this series of step by step guide give you information which can guide in right direction. In this series, I am going to share which gives you information about what kind of positive imp

Respecting Planet Earth

Dear Planeteers, If you are on this web page, that means you care about environment, nature and this planet. The main goal of creating this blog on "Earthday" is to share information which will help all the users to show our respect towards out Planet Earth by preserving natural resources and reducing the consumption of resources.  This greatest goal can be achieved by following certain principles in our life.  Life on this planet exists Because of 5 primary things.  Air  Water  Earth Fire  Sky  But things are changing.Humans are polluting all these.  Air - We are contaminating with too much of dangerous gasses like Carbon Dioxide, Carbon monoxide, methane, Nitrogen oxides, Sulfur oxide &Toxic metals such as lead and mercury, especially their compounds and much more.  Water - Water is an essential component of life on this planet.Humans contaminated water with industrial waste through factories outlets, nuclear power plants, dumping junk into water p