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Respecting Planet Earth

Dear Planeteers,

If you are on this web page, that means you care about environment, nature and this planet. The main goal of creating this blog on "Earthday" is to share information which will help all the users to show our respect towards out Planet Earth by preserving natural resources and reducing the consumption of resources. 
This greatest goal can be achieved by following certain principles in our life. 

Life on this planet exists Because of 5 primary things. 

  1. Air 
  2. Water 
  3. Earth
  4. Fire 
  5. Sky 

But things are changing.Humans are polluting all these. 

Air - We are contaminating with too much of dangerous gasses like Carbon Dioxide, Carbon monoxide, methane, Nitrogen oxides, Sulfur oxide &Toxic metals such as lead and mercury, especially their compounds and much more. 

Water - Water is an essential component of life on this planet.Humans contaminated water with industrial waste through factories outlets, nuclear power plants, dumping junk into water ponds, rivers, and underground water resources also. 

Earth - We are polluting Earth by dumping and filling with waste material which can't be composted. That can take centuries sometimes millions of years to compost. 

Sky - With name of technology and space research and advanced communications, this is one of the biggest growing population 

Fire - Directly we might not be contaminating Fire, but due to human-caused pollution, there are wildfires around parts of the world which are contributing to pollution of other four elements. 

Now there is only one way to stop this by  following Five R's 

  1. Refuse  
  2. Reduce 
  3. Reuse 
  4. Recycle 
  5. Rot  

Refuse - What is refuse? Let's start to understand how we accumulate the stuff? When there are free goodies, we accept them! When there is some special sales/deal available in store we tend to buy more stuff. We need to refuse those free goodies; we need to start denying all those free stuff. They are not free we are paying the price in the form of natural & valuable resources. Once you start refusing, we will stop accumulating stuff, and you will have a better home without clutter. 

Reduce - Reduce the content which you have at your home.This will decrease the clutter at your home. A good example to understand: Look at your closet there might be a lot of clothes but I am sure 80% of the time you will be using only 20% of the clothes. You might find few clothes which you have never used amongst them. Try to give them away or sell them; this will reduce the clutter in your closet. Like this every corner of your home, you will find stuff which you might not be using anymore -donate or sell or recycle them.  This process will reduce consumption of new resources to produce similar stuff. 

Reuse - Reuse your containers. One good example we are practicing at our home is, buying milk in a glass bottle/any other reusable container and giving it back to vendor/seller so that they can clean and reuse them (Thanks to Strauss for providing this excellent option to choose reusable milk container). Looks for options to reduce your trash or waste by reusing what you already purchased. There are many ways you will find the use of stuff which you have already purchased. Reuse is the most important step in your journey in achieving #zerowaste. 

Recycle - Recycle as much as possible this will lessen the consumption of new resources. One of the greatest news recently I heard is that there are different programs offered by which will help people to recycle stuff which they are typically putting in trash. Like the toothbrush, body wash plastic containers, shampoo bottle much more like this. 

Rot   - This is the final step in achieving.Try to compost all the reminding food waste.

Anything that can't be reduced, recycled or composted -refuse that product. Don't accept it even if it comes for free. 

We started Following our ReduceReuseRecycle plan from all most one year, now from this EarthDay2017, we are going to adopt to RefuseReduceReuseRecycleRot plan at home, to show our respect towards this great planet. 


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