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Showing posts from May, 2017

6th Step to ZeroWaste - Go Digital Wallet

Dear Planeteers,   Thank you so much for your continuous interest on this website, where you get information on contributing to a better planet. At the end of the day, it's choices we make for adopting a better lifestyle.   Today I am going to share my experiences about the changes I made to make a positive impact on the environment towards my goal of going zero waste. From the title you might guessed it Right, A digital wallet can reduce a lot of plastic waste. Also, help us maintain our finances better.  Let me start this article by sharing my experience with my recent Bank visit. When I was at the bank, they were quite surprised to know I do not have a checkbook or an ATM card for my account. Their first question was, How I manage to use my account? My answer was simple and straight, I use A Digital Wallet for money transfers, for paying at the stores, and I pay bills online. I explained them that I don't use plastic cards and checkbooks to reduce plastic and

Top 5 ways to reduce waste!

We all know that with our present lifestyle we are destroying nature(life) and climate on the planet, There are some basic changes that we can implement in our daily life that can reduce our footprint in the destruction of the environment. Today I am going to share 5 top most ways you can reduce your footprint of destroying the environment.  1) Stop using plastic: One of the most nondecomposable components in our waste/trash is plastic. Not many of countries around the world still don't have a proper waste management system, due to which plastic is going to end up as landfill or in water streams. It’s always better to recycle plastic. I would say if we can stop using plastic and refuse to accept more plastic then it's a great choice. Check in this article Say No To Plastic , how many different areas of our life we can avoid plastic  2) Go paperless: Our mailboxes are always mostly filled with a lot of paper mails, there is nothing wrong but we tend to put them in the

5th Step to ZeroWaste - Say no to Paper Cup

Dear Readers, Today I am going to share some simple data which makes you think about the impact of our normal daily habit on this planet,  which most us ignore or does not pay much attention.  It's been a couple of years I started adopting the environmentally friendly lifestyle.Nowadays I feel like sharing my thoughts and ideas with my fellow environmentalist or people looking for some information which they can use to help the environment so that the positive impact can be multiplied. One more thing about me is I love coffee and also I drink a lot of water on a given day.In this process, I started using lots of paper cups. One day I was reviewing my annual contribution to a better planet, in this process, I realized that my habit of using paper cups is creating a negative impact on the planet. So I not only decided to change but actually started implementing it for almost two years. I can feel I already started creating the positive impact.Following image shows cup which

4th Step to ZeroWaste - Switch To Cloth Bags

Dear Planeteers,  I am happy to see growing interest in one step at a time; I know some of you wanted more details about each topic. So today I am going to create an article on how we can replace plastic carry bags and move to cloth bags. I am going to keep my favorite theme "RefuseReduceReuseRecycleRot" concept while making this change.  Let’s start to Refuse new plastic bags at stores. We need to do this as our first step. When we don’t carry our bag with us, we are going to go with whatever store offers. So let's carry a bag always while going to shopping. My wife & I decided to keep at least two bags i n the car all the time so that we don't miss and buy a new bag or accept a plastic bag.  In last few years we might have purchased or accumulated plastic bags at our home. There are ways we can Reduce them by finding the alternative usage of these bags. We need to focus on reducing these bags. Once we reduce them, that will help us have clutter

3rd Step to ZeroWaste - Start Indoor Vegetable Garden

Dear Readers,  Lot of people think vegetable gardening  requires a lot of maintenance  and they feel they don’t have a chance/time to maintain it. Today I am going to share about some of the leafy plants which you can grow indoor which can give you fresh food along with superior air purification.  These plants do not require a lot of space and maintenance.  Good natural light source, Soil and water- these three elements are must for growing any plants. Following is a list of plants that u can grow in your indoor garden. This list is a small list from which you can grow ( I started to grow them in my indoors as well) Mint. Garlic. Ginger. Scallions. Potatoes. Lettuce.  Spinach.  Fenugreek.  Coriander (Cilantro).  Basil In my experience, these plants are very easy to grow in a small pot near the window. These does not require a lot of maintenance too. You just need to water them when you have time in a day. There are different varieties of food you can pr

2nd Step to ZeroWaste - Say No To Plastic

Dear Planeteers, Today I am going to share something critical information.This changed the way we live. It's about plastic..nowadays it's very hard to find products without plastic. Let's understand how much plastic took over our life Toothbrush - made with plastic Body washes, moisturizers and other cosmetics packed in plastic. Milk containers - plastic Breakfast items such as bread, bagels are packed in plastic. Lunch box with plastic lids - some cases boxes are made with plastic. Spoons and forks made with plastic. Evening snacks packed in plastic bags or zip locks. Water what we consume is filed in plastic water bottles. Any juice or drinks filled in plastic bottles. Vegetables and fruits what we get from the store are in plastic bags. If you look at this, life is all filled up with plastic. But if this plastic is not recycled properly they end up in the landfills, water. It takes years to decompose this plastic in the land. That means we are con

1st Step to ZeroWaste - Go Paperless

Dear  Planeteers, One step at a time can help us organize things and do it more efficiently. I firmly believe that by doing so we can achieve high productivity and best results. Now we need to apply this principle in our daily lives to show our respect towards plant earth.  When we think about going green, first and foremost thing we can  start doing is reducing paper clutter. Stopping all paper billing and statements. Going paperless seems to be very easy, but it is not that easy when we start tracking and try to go zero paper at home. But let me tell you one thing, it is not impossible. So let's first understand how big impact we can create by going paperless.  We all know that most of the paper comes from trees. To produce the paper, we cut the trees and use the pulp from the tree.  On an average 40-year-old tree with 75 ft height and one ft diameter provide around 103097 paper (A4 size).  This tree can absorb around 48 lb to 50 lb of CO2 (Carbon dioxide).