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4th Step to ZeroWaste - Switch To Cloth Bags

Dear Planeteers, 

I am happy to see growing interest in one step at a time; I know some of you wanted more details about each topic. So today I am going to create an article on how we can replace plastic carry bags and move to cloth bags. I am going to keep my favorite theme "RefuseReduceReuseRecycleRot" concept while making this change. 

Let’s start to Refuse new plastic bags at stores. We need to do this as our first step. When we don’t carry our bag with us, we are going to go with whatever store offers. So let's carry a bag always while going to shopping. My wife & I decided to keep at least two bags in the car all the time so that we don't miss and buy a new bag or accept a plastic bag. 

In last few years we might have purchased or accumulated plastic bags at our home. There are ways we can Reduce them by finding the alternative usage of these bags. We need to focus on reducing these bags. Once we reduce them, that will help us have clutter free space in our home. One option I would recommend you is check with the local store if they wanted to reuse these bags. I had paper bags (not plastic bags from WholeFoods), they are exactly like brand new, so I took them to store & requested them if they can reuse it and they were happy to take them. I was very glad that I was able to reduce manufacturing on new bags by a count of 100. After that, I moved to cloth bags which I am reusing them every time I go to store. 

Other time I took around 30+ plastic bags to local grocery store and told them if they are ok to Reuse, they  also accepted them. Thanks to Desi Bazar management to help in reducing plastic waste. 

If your local store says they can’t accept them, then I would request you to start using them as much as possible. Try to use them as reusable bags, when you go to store, take them with you. If they are really in bad condition, please Recycle them. 

As most of you know that we can’t compost plastic, so avoid Rot option for plastic. Avoiding plastic usage as much as possible is the best option for us. 

#ZeroWaste #RefuseReduceReuseRecycleRot #climateChange #SayNo2Plastic


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