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Showing posts from November, 2020

Zero Waste: Making Red Chili Powder

Dear Planeteers, We were growing different varieties of chillies from couple of years, but this year is little different. With the help of my co-worker, I found out that we can grow chillies from the same plant for multiple years. So I gave extra care during the winters to protect them. Luckily we could keep 3 plants in an excellent state from last year and got a very good harvest of green chillies this year so far. Now we have enough of green chillies and few left them to turn red chillies on the plant. We started wondering what we should do with these red chilies!!  We let the chillies turn red on the plants and harvested them once they are red and ripen. 1st red chili harvest I kept for seeds and 2nd harvest I decided to make Red Chili powder for our cooking. We dry them in Oven as we are close to winter now (even before winter started we had #californiawildfire which caused ash fall and low sunny days) this is not a conventional method but works good to dry the chilis. Then using M